Wine Awards Asia (WAA)
Our Story
More than just an Award
WAA is a free international wine competition taking place every year in Asia, which would definitely be the highlight of the year. We aim to build a bridge between Western Wineries and the Asian Market, by rendering our support for networking, localized strategic planning, online business, as well as gathering insight from the Wine experts & amateurs in Asia.
We understand Wine has a long history and culture and is regarded as a lifestyle trend, quickly assimilating into Asian dining cultures. Our vision is to aid these fruits of hard labor of vintners and winemakers and connect them to this new and uncharted territory.




the waa guarantee

Real Recognition
Professional Asian wine judges + Wine influencers with representation over 500K+ people

Real Connection
Live Broadcast coverage on judging day + Zoom meeting scheduling to connect buyers in Asia

Real Credentials
World class certified wine professionals + F&B representatives of the trade assembling our core judging panel

Real Orders
E-shop for award winning wines to test out the market immediately
Wine Award Asia
What makes the WAA different
Introducing Brand new concepts in the world of wine awards
The Process
A WAA award-winning wine is tasted by a minimum of 25 judges before being awarded. The rigorous process is undertaken by certified wine professionals and influencers/buyers that open the door for the Asian wine market.
500K+ Representation
All wines are tasted blind with no pricing or producer information provided. Wines are grouped by Type, Region, Alcohol & Sugar %, ensuring similar wines are judged together. A Second panel of judging by influencers makes up for better representation of the Asian consumer market with the 500K+ loyal following.
Award Winning E-shop
All WAA wine results are hosted on our official website, and each winery has their own page to ensure trade and consumers are able to easily identify the winning wines. Award winning wines will also enjoy free-listing on the E-shop for consumers to try the 'first-sips' of these wines, testing the local market immediately.
Online + Offline Merchandising Support
Awarded wines will be arranged virtual meetings with potential buyers from our sourcing database and also have their wines showcased at the upcoming 'TOP-100' Tasting in the upcoming Hong Kong Wine and Music Festival, gaining maximum access from buyers all around. Wineries are able to schedule a time for ZOOM Meeting with Asian Buyers, communicating directly across the border.
We go the extra mile
to match quality wines.
Wine Award Asia
Virtual Meeting to Connect with BUYERS!
Real initiatives to make sales happen
Let the local market have your 'First Sip‘!
The WAA would be a golden opportunity to be tasted and rated by the Asian professionals and lifestyle influencers, gaining more insight about the specific tasting preference of the Asian consumers.
Entrants will be listed on our contestant listing page with highlighted information, a great opportunity to expose your wines to potential buyers. Trophy winners of the challenge will be offered exclusive privilege for listings on the 'First-sip Wine' Online purchasing portal and offline tasting events, attended by top buyers and key decision makers in Asia. Full support will also be rendered in joining exhibition & wine-tasting events in Asia.
We will be building a bridge for wineries to connect with buyer via virtual meeting anytime, anywhere.
Schedule a time for ZOOM Meeting with buyers in Asia.
Wine Award Asia
Real Interaction with Wine lovers
Interacting with Wine lovers
Those who are willing to BUY!
Localized marketing support and promotions will be provided to enhance the popularity among Asian consumers. The WAA has affiliations with numerous wine websites, wine schools and also tradeshows in China and major Asia cities. WAA will definitely draw local media interest by dispatch and pitching to the first-tier media for enhancing the media exposure of the winning-wines. We go the extra mile by collaborating with our extensive Influencers Network to well-utilize their fame and popularity for online exposure. With the trend of interactive marketing, the micro-influencers are encouraged to have live broadcast on Social Media Platforms.
Wine Award Asia
Real Business results from Online
Award-winning Wine Online Shop
Buying prized wines before everybody else
"First-sip" of Wines
A multi-language wine purchase portal (‘First Sip Wine' E-Shop) will be specifically designed for the award-winning wines for online business. We will be fully in charge of online marketing and shop operation, including customer service, online payment & worldwide shipping arrangement. Consumers will get a chance to buy and try award winning wines first hand and provide market feedback immediately!
Wine Award Asia
World-class Recognition
Evaluation & Recognition of Quality Wines
Representation of the Asian consumer market.
Wines will be evaluated by both wine experts, hospitality leaders, and influencers in Asia, which will reflect the specific tastes & preference among Asian consumers. At the Award Ceremony, we will gather all potential business partners for real-time communication & pairing. By winning the challenges, your wines will be recognized by WAA Asia Wine Award badges, labels & stickers.